Ethereum: Configure Binance NodeJS for Binance TR API

Here is an article on configuring the Binance TR API using Node.js at

Configure the Binance TR API using Node.js and Binance

This example will walk you through configuring the Binance TR API client using Node.js and the ” repository.


  • Install Node.js (if you haven’t already) [here](
  • Create a new file called “tr-client.js” with the following content:

const { TrClient } = require('binance/tr-api');

// Set your Binance API key

const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

const apiSecret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET';

// Create a new TR client instance

async function createTrClient() {

const trClient = new TrClient({

apiEndpoint: // Replace with your Binance API endpoint

clientKey: apiKey,

clientSecret: apiSecret,


return trClient;


// Usage example:

async function main() {

try {

const trCustomer = await createTrCustomer();

// Use the TR client to make API calls

trClient.getMarketData('BTCUSDT', (error, data) => {



} catch (error) {





Step-by-step instructions

  • Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" and "YOUR_API_SECRET" with your actual Binance API credentials.
  • Create a new file called "tr-client.js" in the same directory as the Node.js script.
  • Copy the above code into the tr-client.js file.
  • Install the necessary dependencies using npm:

npm install binance/tr-api

  • Run the Node.js script to configure the Binance TR API client instance:

node tr-client.js


Ethereum: Configure binance nodejs for binance tr api

: Make sure your tr-client.js file has the correct Binance API endpoint (

That's it! This should give you a basic example of how to configure a Binance TR API client using Node.js and the " repository. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask or provide more details about your encounters.

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